- The automotive industry, together with the aviation industry, is a dynamically developing industry that uses modern technologies, discovers new procedures and constantly strives for the highest possible efficiency and performance. It forces everyone involved to put hi-tech materials and equipment into practice and to look for new technologies that bring better and better results with long-term high reliability.
- Since the beginning of TRIMILL, we have focused mainly on applications for the automotive industry, because it is demanding customers in the automotive industry who can appreciate the exceptional design and built of TRIMILL machines with high rigidity, temperature stability and precision.
- The structures of TRIMILL machines have always been designed to satisfy even the most demanding requirements and needs of customers with tool shops. That is, customers producing injection molds (for bumpers, dashboards, headlights, center tunnels, floor mats, insulating inserts, etc.) and pressing tools in single-piece and small-series production (body parts up to the size of the entire side of a passenger car, doors, hoods , structural and safety parts).
- The exceptional rigidity of TRIMILL machines also enables highly efficient machining of forging dies.